NECO Subscription

We have three (3) Packages available fro Subscription here:

  1. Daily Subscription:

This Subscription as name implied can only allows you to get PIN for a particular Exam. It categorized in to three:

  • Single Subject N400
  • Single Practicals N400
  • Subject with & Practical N500
  • English and Mathematics (each) N500

  1. Complete Subjects without Practical:

This type of Subscription can hold a complete exams with the EXCEPTION of Practicals.
Total = N4,000

  1. Complete Subjects with Practicals:

This Subscription refer to the complete Exams and it's Practicals
Total = N7,000
Beside PIN, We can send you answers by any means you want, be it Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram handles or SMS. Its up to you to decide


Method of Subscription

We have (2) methods available for Subscription/ Payment

  1. Payment Through Bank 
  2. Payment through MTN Recharge card